Costa Ridiculous.

Oh my word, I am a lucky lady.

In just 10 short months I am going on to Costa Rica on a yoga retreat with some of the most amazing women I've ever met.

I've always wanted to go to Costa Rica.

I've secretly always wished for more time with each of the women who will be there.

I've imagined yoga on the beach in a tropical locale to be heavenly.

I've been envious of Madonna's arms for over a decade. I know she does a lot of yoga, and figure that a week of doing yoga in Costa Rica should get me there.

I want to meet a capuchin monkey (and possibly make it a pet).

And, it's happening. It's really happening.

This is- hands down- the most indulgent, self-focused thing I've ever done. I'm overcome by amazement that I get to do this, gratitude for a body healthy enough to allow me to do the ugliest yoga in all of Costa Rica, a team of yogis who are patient, fun, and kind, and a family that damn near forced me to sign up because they are amazingly supportive and knew how much I would love this.

But, I need to have a goal. And, this year my yoga goal is the Peacock Pose. Here is what it i supposed to look like:

As of May 2015 when I attempt this pose, this is what I look like:

I have a long way to go, but I hope to "master" it and bring it out on the beach, at the lodge, by the pool, at the gas station, and, probably at the airport. You know, like a peacock.



Jennifer Korfiatis