The Best Part.

You know that image of the duck gracefully gliding across the still water, but underneath the surface it's paddling like mad? That's how my clients operate.

Every bit of my work with the companies I'm lucky enough to support is the mad paddling. But, if we do it right, the perception is that they're gracefully gliding across the water. Nothing happens by accident. Awards and recognition are not bestowed upon the mediocre, lazy, or indifferent. And from where I sit, I see the challenges, the long hours, the epic effort to make a company look graceful, seamless, and as though it's gliding.

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerceannual awards banquet. This is the premier business event of the year in the valley, and 600 of Wenatchee's finest turned out.

It was my priveledge to witness awards and recognition presented to some of the finest talent that I've had the honor to work with, including Alatheia Riding Center which took home the Non-Profit of the Year award, Voortex Productions which was recognized for their outstanding and consistent work, and the Our Valley, What's Next project which received a Cornerstone award for building and leading this valley down a path of prosperity. The people behind each of these organizations are heroes. They are tireless, committed, and honestly strive each day to do the right thing. It's an honor to work with them, and witnessing the recognition of hard work is hands-down the best part of what I do- because I know what's happening beneath the surface.

And, a very big congrats to Josh and Casi Tarr of American Shoe Shop who nabbed the Business of the Year award. Josh and Casi aren't clients, they're friends. And very deserving.

A hearty congratulations to all the winners and deserving nominees. Thank you for doing what you do.

Jennifer Korfiatis